Tag Archives: Pressure Washers

Pressure Washers from the UK’s leading supplier of high-pressure high-quality cleaning equipment. We stock some of the worlds biggest manufacturers as well as our own Britclean range

Pressure washing a dirty floor

What Surfaces Can I Clean with Pressure Washers?

Pressure washers from Britclean are the most effective way to deep clean a number of different surfaces. It is important to remember that not every surface should be pressure washed as it could damage the surface.

To help you avoid damaging your property, we have put together a list of surfaces that are safe to be cleaned with a pressure washer.

Four Areas You Can Pressure Wash

1. Decks and Patios – Over an amount of time it is quite common for algae, mould and mildew to build up on deck and patio surfaces. If your decking or patio is located in shady areas where sunlight exposure is limited, this can be quite a common problem. Using a pressure washer will remove this grime and other unsightly stains from the decking, whether it is wood, concrete, stone or made of pavers.

To achieve the best results, use a pressure washer in conjunction with a deck or patio cleaner.

2. Driveways and Sidewalks – Grease stains and oil spills will have a negative effect on your home’s curb appeal. Pressure washing removes these stains and restores the appearances of driveways and pathways. We would recommend using a narrow pencil nozzle for smaller stains whereas a larger rotary nozzle is better suited for larger surface areas. Britclean would recommend pressure washing your driveway before considering sealing your driveway or walkway in the future.

3. Roofing and Siding – Over a period of time asphalt shingle roofing can become damaged by algae and mould growth which can also damage your home’s curb appeal. By carefully power washing your roof will remove mould, mildew, algae and moss to prolong the life of your roof.

Pressure washers can also effective cleaning a number of siding materials, such as fibre cement, vinyl, wood and aluminium.

Power washing your home’s siding is recommended before painting, which can help add value to your property if you are looking to sell in the near future.

4. Concrete and Brick – If your property has brick or concrete exteriors or walkways they can be pressure washed. As these are stronger surfaces they can hold up to the most powerful settings of a pressure washer.

Safety Tips for Pressure Washing

Pressure washers put out a huge amount of water in a short space of time, so the operation of these machines is dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. You could injure yourself plus damage the surface by incorrectly using a pressure washer.

For example, special care is needed when power washing wooden decking as if your PSI is too high it could damage the wood. You will also need to make sure you use the correct nozzle and keep the pressure washer a suitable distance from the surface. Holding the nozzle at the right angle will also prevent damage and ensure you achieve the best level of cleanliness.

Pressure Washers for All Surfaces

Britclean is the professional pressure washing experts for Staffordshire and the surrounding counties. From decks and patios to walkways and siding, our pressure washers can handle it all. Our expert services can help boost your home’s curb appeal and make the most of your outdoor living spaces.

Find out more about our pressure washing services by getting in touch now.

Pressure washing a bull pen

Pressure Washers Supporting the Farming Industry

Keeping your farmyards clean and hygienic has never been more important in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. Britclean has been working hard to support our agriculture partners in keeping their premises clean and busy with our pressure washers.

From the largest diesel-fired hot water pressure washer to the smaller, compact yet powerful cold water machines; Britclean will have a solution for you.
Our range, which includes Karcher machines will quickly and efficiently clean farm vehicles, yards and equipment and reduce the risk of infections as swine dysentery and salmonella.

We also have a special offer, with every industrial machine purchased throughout July receiving a free turbo lance!

For our latest blog, we are going to focus on five areas you can implement our pressure washers in your farm.

5 Ways Pressure Washers Can Be Used on Farms

1. Cattle Farming – Using a high-pressure washer you can remove faeces and food remains in calf igloos and resting areas.

2. Dairy Cows – Hygiene is extremely important wherever germs can gather. This is why high-pressure units and patented foam disinfection are the best choices in milk storage rooms and rotary milking parlours.

3. Pig Farming – Cleanliness and hygiene is paramount when it comes to rearing animals. Cleaning and disinfection systems from Britclean will give you the ideal stable facilities for animal rearing and before animals are relocated.

4. Poultry Farming – Effective disinfection for poultry production and rearing young animals prevents bacteria, viruses and pests from spreading. You can also provide a final cleaning during the service period of egg production and hatchery disinfection.

5. Sheep Farming – High-pressure cleaners can be used for deep cleaning barns and stables plus droppings and dirty bedding can be removed quite easily.

Get in Touch for More Information

If you want to know more about jet washers from Britclean, please contact us today with all of your questions.

We are the leading provider of industrial vacuums and pressure washing machines across Staffordshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire.

pressure washing wooden decking

Britclean’s Pressure Washing Glossary

Pressure washers are an invaluable cleaning tool which will make you wonder how you ever did without them.

Comprising of a pump, a high-pressure hose and a cleaning lance with a trigger switch, a pressure washer allows water to pass through the machine and be put under pressure by the pump. It is then expelled from the hose and out from the nozzle at the end of the lance. Although quite straightforward to use, it is important to choose the right jet washer for your specific requirements.

For example, do you need a hot or cold water pressure washer? Coldwater versions are sufficient for most situations whereas hot water washers will remove stubborn residue quite easily.

With greater cleaning power, hot water jet washers have the facility to produce steam which is useful for cleaning stubborn deposits plus killing bacteria.

Pressure Washing Terminology Explained

You may not be familiar with all of the terminology used by pressure cleaning manufacturers, which is why our experts at Britclean have put together this glossary.

Operating Pressure and Water Flow

The pressure the pump applies to the water when it leaves the nozzle plus the volume of water per minute or hour the machine can deliver.

The cleaning power of a pressure washer is dependent on the operating pressure, which is measured in bar or MPa.

Water Flow can be expressed in litres or gallons per minute or per hour. The pressure is not a sole indication of effective cleaning as water volume is also a crucial part. For example, high pressure used with low water volume produces powerful but narrow water jet that is ideal for cleaning small areas of ingrained dirt but is not as effective on larger areas with plenty of debris that needs removing. For these cases, a pressure washer with a large water volume will clean more efficiently.

It is quite common to view a washer with a high-pressure rating as being the better option, whereas a jet washer should be chosen based on what it is needed to clean and not just the pressure rating.

Max Temp Inlet (°C)

The maximum temperature of the water going into your machine.
Hot water gives extra power to clean stubborn dirt such as grease and grime, plus some cold washers can be used with hot water but this will be supplied by a separate heater. The maximum inlet temperature tells you the level of hot water the machine can take.

For hot water pressure washers, the design inlet temperature should not be exceeded as this can damage the internal machinery.

Motor Size

The size of the motor that drives the pump which produces the water pressure.
The motor size is typically expressed in Kw for an electric washer and HP for an engine-driven version. The motor of the jet washer needs to be the correct size to match the pump to ensure the best performance. For more economic machines the pump may be smaller than the ideal size, which means it needs to work harder to create the desired flow and pressure and have a lower life span.

For industrial pressure washers, it is normal to use slower revving motors with a larger pump which means it can be used for longer periods without fear of overheating.

Detergent Tank Capacity (ltr/gal)

An integral detergent tank will feed the cleaning solution directly on to the cleaning surface. Sometimes even water under pressure does not provide sufficient cleaning power whereas some machines have a facility to add detergent for increased cleaning power for stubborn residue plus a larger tank needs refilling less often.

Machine Dimensions (cm)

The physical size of the jet washer, which can sometimes be larger than you might think. Storage and portability need to be taken into consideration plus manoeuvrability, depending on where the washer is being used.

Weight (Kg)

The physical weight of the machine. If you need to transport your washer this is a very significant consideration. Also, do not forget that hot water versions are heavier.

Fuel Tank/Fuel Consumption (Hot Water Versions)

This is the capacity and consumption of fuel to feed the burner.
The majority of hot water pressure washers have a boiler that is normally heated by a burner using kerosene. The capacity and consumption of the fuel tank show how long the washer can run before it needs refilling. For diesel-powered machines, the fuel tank will usually power the pump and the burner.

Hot water jet washers are also available with electrically heated boilers that offer limited temperatures. These machines are used when the use of kerosene is not possible.

Want to Know More? Get in Touch Now

If you want to know more about specific areas of our range of pressure washers, please contact us today.

Britclean is the leading supplier of jet washers, including renowned manufacturers such as Karcher and Nilfisk.

Cartoon man holding cartoon pressure washer

The Essential Guide to Pressure Washing Cars

Cleaning can be a hassle but achieving sparkling vehicles and a clean forecourt with a top-quality pressure washer will add value to your business.

It may feel like a secondary part of any job but there is no getting around the fact that a perfect result is crucial.

Here at Britclean, we are one of the largest suppliers of commercial and industrial cleaning equipment, making us well placed to give you the best advice and keep your cleaning costs down.

Six Steps to a Comprehensive Clean

1. Remove Grime Before Washing

Getting rid of as much dirt as possible is critical before hands are placed on your vehicle. Any particles that are dragged along the vehicle’s surface will damage your paintwork. Using a pressure washer is ideal whilst making sure you stay a minimum distance of 30cm away from the vehicle. A best practice is to point the water hose towards the floor which stabilises the force of the flow before contact is made. Don’t forget to pre-spray with a detergent liquid or foam before starting your pressure washer but also make sure the paintwork is not flaky or rusty.

2. Choose Correct Attachment

Choosing the right attachment for your pressure washer will help agitate dirt, with a soft, long bristled brush the best attachment for bodywork. Alternatively, a rotary brush will help to get to awkward areas such as front grills, bumpers and wheels.

A detergent nozzle allows you to spray your vehicle using a mixture of water and mild pressure washer detergent, which is great for dealing with grime and oily stains.

Using a wand extension will help you reach over the roof of high vehicles and gain access to areas often missed using a sponge. We would also recommend not using an unrestricted nozzle on your pressure washer as this can lead to irreversible damage to rubber seals and paintwork.

3. Avoid Electrical and Mechanical Components

Never point your pressure washer into the engine block or any other working components such as the vehicle aerial. A well-maintained engine block encourages mechanics to take extra care when servicing, but this area does not require cleaning with a pressure washer.

4. Pressure Washing Wheels

Alloy wheels and hubcaps are the largest accumulators of grit, dust and oil from road surfaces. Start with your bodywork using your main nozzle to remove loose debris and immediate dirt before using the detergent nozzle to break down oil residue. Use the rotary brush to agitate difficult stains to reach awkward corners and rinse thoroughly with plain water to remove excess detergent. Don’t aim your pressure washer to tyres though as this will lead to tread or tyre wall damage.

5. Hot or Cold Pressure Washing?

A lot of the time cold water delivered at pressure will remove most dirt, except oil or grease which require hot water. Using hot water pressure washing has been proven from independent testing to be more cost-effective and reduce the amount of labour, water, fuel and service elements by up to a quarter.

6. Ease of Use – When deciding which pressure washer will work best to clean your vehicles, pay attention to the machine’s centre of gravity. This will affect how easy the unit is to pull, especially on uneven surfaces. Manoeuvrability is extremely important, especially within a busy, time pressure facility.

Talk to the Pressure Washer Experts

If you have any questions about Britclean’s range of pressure washers and industrial vacuums, please contact us today.

We provide cleaning equipment from manufacturers such as Nilfisk and Karcher for customers across Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Cheshire.

industrial pressure washer on a sloped surface

Dispelling Common Myths about Pressure Washers

Pressure washers from Britclean are designed to make your cleaning tasks easier and save you time and effort.

Having said this, some people do not understand the value of pressure washing, which creates a number of myths. For our latest blog, we are going to focus on four of the most common myths surrounding pressure washers.

Four Common Myths About Pressure Washing Explained

1. Pressure Washers Can Only Be Used on Dirt, Grime, Mould or Stains

A lot of people believe that pressure washing is the best solution for incredibly dirt properties, but this is not always true. While pressure washing involves removing stains from surfaces, not all forms of dirt are visible to the eye. Do not wait until a property has become unsightly before getting your pressure washer out. Regular cleaning and prevention of stains are much better for your surfaces than waiting for them to accumulate over time. This makes using pressure washers a great preventative measure and not the all-or-nothing solution you may think it is.

2. Pressure Washers are Safe Because They Are Water-Based

Pressure washers do depend on water but they also require plenty of pressure. While the water sweeps away deep stains, mould and dirt it can be damaging to different surfaces if not handled properly due to the pressure. For example, valuable furniture and finishings could be at risk, so asks experts such as Britclean before using a pressure washer on them.

3. One Pressure Setting Works For All

Some surfaces can be susceptible to damage which means you will need to use a lower level of pressure. This means you may need to use a different pressure setting for different parts of your property. Low-pressure settings, for example, are better for washing away potential mould from sidings.

4. Anyone Can Pressure Wash Surfaces

Pressure washing may seem quite straight-forward, but it does require skill and knowledge. While some people buy a pressure washer hoping for a quick fix for their cleaning tasks, the truth is mishandling them can be quite dangerous. This could lead to damage to your surfaces, rooms or property, so do your research before considering buying a pressure washer for the first time.

Got any Questions? Get in Touch Now

If you have any questions about pressure washing and which model will best suit your requirements, please contact us today.

Britclean is the leading provider of pressure washer manufacturers such as Nilfisk, Kranzle and Karcher.

hot water cleaning a brick wall

Understanding the Power of Hot-Water Cleaning

Whether you are cleaning floors or pressure-washing agricultural equipment, hot water is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.

For our latest update, Britclean is going to share three benefits of hot-water cleaning using one of our pressure washers.

  1. Lower Resource Consumption – Just like using a dishwasher at home, hot-water cleaning provides better and quicker results for commercial and industrial applications.
    Nilfisk recently teamed up with the wfk Cleaning Technology Institute to conduct tests which compared hot and cold water pressure washing. This found that across all applications that hot water reduced cleaning times by roughly 40%. In some particular cases, such as ones involving grease, fat and oil, a hot-water clean was up to four times more efficient than cold-water cleaning. This translated into a reduction of cleaning time of 75%.
    Using hot water reduces drying time after cleaning too, as cleaned areas and items will be available sooner. For example, if you are cleaning floors, they will be able to be used earlier without the risk of slips, trips and falls.
  2. Hygiene – Cleaning and then sanitising is the ‘one-two punch’ for stopping the spread of germs such as viruses and bacteria which can be harmful to humans and animals. A study from the Thuringen State Office for Agriculture discovered that while cleaning with cold water had no impact on bacteria levels, raising the temperature to 60˚C reduced bacterial colonies by 90%. At 80˚C, bacterial colonies reduced by 97%, and at 155˚C they were wiped out completely.
    Heat also helps to combat viruses, and while hot water is not sufficient for sanitisation or disinfection on its own, it can reduce bacteria and virus counts on surfaces.
  3. Sustainability – A hot-water clean also decreases your resource consumption in three main ways.
    Firstly, less water is required. This translates the time savings into resource savings as for every 1000 litres of water needed for cold water cleaning, hot-water cleaning saves at least 400 litres.
    With shorter cleaning times you will also reduce your energy consumption.
    Finally, hot water can (in some cases) decrease or eliminate the need for detergent because the heat is enough to remove dirt. If you are sanitising or disinfecting floors, you will still need to use an appropriate disinfectant.

Find Out More About Hot Water Cleaning

As you can read from the studies above, hot-water cleaning is a highly effective way to boost your efficiency, hygiene and the sustainability of your cleaning tasks.

If you like to know more about Britclean’s line of hot-water high-pressure washers, please contact us today.

Nilfisk Pressure Washers

Using Pressure Washers for Cleaner Working Environments

As countries and communities all over the world do their utmost to slow down the spread of Coronavirus, there has never been more important to effectively clean of your premises.

This can be achieved using Britclean’s range of pressure washers and industrial vacuums, from renowned suppliers such as Karcher and Nilfisk.

For essential businesses and institutions to remain operating during this period of lockdown, expert cleaning professionals (such as Britclean) are working hard to provide cleaning solutions for hospitals, store aisles and the disinfecting of warehouses and other areas.

Here at Britclean, we are proud to support a wide range of sectors with a full portfolio of equipment to ensure you can deliver the highest and safest standard of cleaning to your property.

For our latest blog, we are going to explore how our pressure washers and industrial vacuums can support you.

Eliminate Contaminants with Hot Pressure Washers

Hot-water pressure washers will reduce or eliminate contaminants using a mixture of high temperatures and powerful chemicals.
Our pressure washers will get your tasks done quickly, using less water and detergent due to their high boiler efficiency and durable design. Our Nilfisk pressure washer has a steaming mode for temperatures that exceed 100˚C, with a range of accessories available to improve the flexibility of this task.

Industrial Vacuums Maintain Air Quality

Our industrial vacuums will maintain the highest air quality whilst reducing dust and debris and ensuring safe hazard disposal.
Using HEPA or ULPA filter, Nilfisk vacuums enable you to reach and sustain higher levels of cleanliness and air quality every day. Leveraging top-tier performance, large capacity and secure containment will safeguard against any airborne risks.

Get in Touch for More Information

If you would like more information about Britclean’s range of cleaning solutions, please contact us today. We offer industrial vacuums and pressure washers for purchase or hire for customers across Staffordshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire.

Industrial pressure washers in Derbyshire

How to Get the Most From Pressure Washers

When you have hired a pressure washer from Britclean, it is important to read the instructions it came with very carefully. Power washers can be dangerous, so for numerous tasks, we would recommend wearing protective gear such as a hard hat, safety goggles and gloves.

Every power washer works differently, so we have put together a handy guide in this blog to ensure you get the most out of your equipment.

7 Ways to Prolong Pressure Washing Machines

Ensure All Connections are Secure  – Before using your pressure washer for the time, make sure connections for all hose, water and air are secure. If you discover any leaks, the washer will not work properly. Also, check the power cord is firmly attached to the outlet.

Turn Water Source Completely On – If you are using a pressure washer that needs to be attached to a water source, turn the faucet completely on. You will be able to adjust the pressure on the machine, but it will need the faucet’s full requirement of water to work well.

Attach Nozzles Whilst Pressure is Locked and Off – If you are using particular attachments, you will need to add them to the nozzle while your pressure washer is off and locked.

Protect Equipment, Building Features and Nearby Plants – We would recommend clearing the area as much as possible, protecting items such as plants, equipment, light fixtures and any fragile building features like tarps.

Begin with a Low Setting – Always make sure your pressure washer is on its lowest setting when turning it on, as this will allow to slowly increase pressure safely as needed – preventing kickback.

Hold the Nozzle at an Angle – When using the pressure washer, do not aim it directly at items you are cleaning. Instead, hold it an angle, which will wash dirt and debris away rather than against the surface.

Use Up and Down Motions – When cleaning a surface, begin at the bottom and move upward guiding the spray down over the same area to rinse it off. Continue this motion until the entire surface is cleaned.

Using a pressure washers makes a wide range of cleaning tasks quite simple. Deciding on what you will be using your machine for before buying, will make the choice quite easy.

Browse the Best of Pressure Washers

If you are looking for the finest pressure washers on the market, look no further than Britclean’s range. Contact us today if you have any questions about any of our models.

pressure washers - mossy paving

How Pressure Washers Clean Mossy Paving

Now the sun is shining again and Spring has truly sprung, you could be considering cleaning tasks outdoors that you have put off for too long.

Mossy paving is one of the biggest eyesores that can develop on your property, but using a pressure washer from Britclean will deal with this issue in no time.

For our latest blog, we are going to explain the process of ridding moss from your pavements.

Get the Garden of Your Dreams with Britclean

While cleaning moss is never top of anyone’s favourite garden chores, the end result of a pressure wash will leave you beaming with pride at your paths and patios.

You will need to bear in mind that when you are cleaning, the water pressure is greatest immediately in front of the nozzle. This means that stubborn dirt and moss can be cleaned off at close range, whilst light dirt or sensitive areas will need cleaning at a greater distance.

Moss forms a thick layer on paved surfaces, but it also remains in the pores of the paving stones which require a top-quality pressure washer from Britclean to remove effectively.

The Karcher HD 7/11 4m pressure washer, is one of the best models we currently have in stock that is ideal for cleaning patios. Don’t take our word for it though, here is a testimonial from one of our customers Ryan Gallimore,

“This Karcher pressure washer is perfect for my stone patio flags, cleans it up in no time!”

One of the most unique features of this model is the dirt blaster nozzle, which provides an even greater cleaning performance for even the toughest tasks.

Got Questions about Pressure Washers? Get in Touch Now

If you have any questions about Britclean’s range of Karcher pressure washers, please contact us today.

We also stock other leading manufacturers of pressure washers, including Nilfisk, Interpump and Ehrle plus our own home brand of manufactured machines.

Pressure Washer Sales

11 Things You Can’t Pressure Wash

Although pressure washers have an array of uses, there are certain things you can’t use them on.

Here’s a list of 11 areas you shouldn’t use pressure washers for cleaning –

1. Wood Siding – Water from pressure washers can damage insulation, electrical wiring and spur mould growth on wood siding plus they can dent aluminium and vinyl siding.
2. Electrical Panels and Meters – Electricity based on the exterior of your home should not be pressure washed, as this can force water into cracks and crevices and cause damage that leads to costly repairs.
3. Asphalt Shingles – If your roof has asphalt shingles never pressure wash, as it will remove the granules which are important for protecting the roof. Using a pressure washer on a high place can be dangerous as once you squeeze the trigger, the powerful recoil on the spray wand could knock you off balance, and maybe from a ladder too.
4. Air Conditioners – The intense flow of water from a pressure washer can crush the delicate fins and restrict airflow that could shorten the life of the unit.
5. Old Mortar – Weathered brick houses and landscape surfaces with mortar can be damaged by pressure washers, as any loose material, especially on older properties will be blasted away.
6. Living Things – It may seem like a no-brainer, but do not pressure wash humans, pets and plants as the force of the water can cause physical harm and destroy plants.
7. Painted Surfaces – A pressure washer will easily chip paint off of most surfaces, so we would recommend using a low-pressure flow of water to wash painted items such as your porch floor or painted outdoor furniture.
8. Windows – The high pressure will break windows and cause you a major expense to replace.
9. Outdoor Lighting Fixtures – Outdoor lighting is built to withstand rain and other outdoor elements as you will risk forcing water in cracks and causing damage.
10. Gutters – It can be tempting, but never clean out the inside of your gutters using a pressure washer. We would recommend removing debris by hand and rinse the inside with a less intense flow of water.
11. Stained Wood – A pressure washer will pull stain right off of wood surfaces.

If You Need a Pressure Washer? Contact Us

Now we have gone through what you can’t use pressure washers for, we are going to look at where they are best used.

Britclean supply the leading names of pressure washers such as Nilfisk, Karcher and Ehrle which are extremely popular in commercial and industrial working environments.
If you are looking to purchase or hire one of our pressure washers, please get in touch today.