Before beginning the cleaning process with a pressure washer, you will need to ensure a pre-approved washing area has been identified and agreed upon. This means the grease, oil and residue from wash water will be controlled and disposed of in a manner that will limit your liability plus it meets applicable environmental guidelines.
Why Pressure Washers are Vital for Farmers
Once the equipment has been prepped and readied, the first step to cleaning your agricultural equipment is giving it a thorough hot water rinse and mud knockdown.
Using hot water for the pre-rinse will speed up mud and grease emulsification and prepare the surface for the chemical to be most effective. This chemical can then be applied through low pressure, a downstream injector that gives it greater control over the amount used which helps control cost and quality.
While one gunner is applying the chemical, another member of the team needs to be following behind with a specialised vehicle brush, working the chemical in and the greasy residue will be loosened.
When the equipment has been thoroughly pre-soaked and brushed with chemical, both members of the team should start detail rinsing. This is important to rinse quickly to ensure the soap does not dry, spotting the surface, but not too quickly as this could mean missing key buildup areas. If the soap does dry, simply wet the surface using water, brush and detail rinse.
Problem Areas to Avoid
The key to cleaning agricultural equipment is talking to the client upfront and understanding their expectations. While some may be focused on budget others may just want to get chunky mud and greased knocked off as quickly as possible.
Using mild detergent will produce good results. For the area you are working also understand wastewater collection and disposal regulations.
When using hot water, keep the temperature low enough to avoid damaging gaskets, belts, seals, paints plus lettering on equipment.
Make sure to use proper eye and skin covers (PPE) when cleaning machines that have been used to apply chemicals, whether pesticides or herbicides.
Got any Questions? Contact Us Today
If you have any questions about using pressure washers in agriculture settings, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Britclean today.