You may not know we offer commercial vacuum repair in Stoke on Trent here at Britclean.
Given that our commercial vacuums are designed to be used on average for five days a week and up to five hours a day, sometimes breakages and accidental damages are unavoidable.
If a vacuum machine we have supplied has not lived up to its billing, we feel it is our duty to provide repair service to save you money in the long run, by not having to buy another vacuum right away.
In the Winter our carpets can become that bit dirtier as we trail in the remnants of mud and puddles on the soles of our shoes, meaning extra work for your vacuum to keep the place looking pristine.
Britclean ready to deal with commercial vacuum repair in Stoke
Some of the hardest stains to remove from carpets are ink, coffee as well as the alcohol and baking stains.
So if you’re planning to have your Christmas party in the office this year or planning to do an office bake-off for charity; the last thing you need is a broken vacuum cleaner.
Here at Britclean, we offer a wide range of well known branded vacuums including Karcher, Nilfisk and Numatic, as well as commercial vacuum repair in Stoke for all of these models.
Get in touch to arrange your commercial vacuum repair in Stoke today
Britclean have been providing the very best commercial vacuum repair in Stoke on Trent for the past 25 years, ensuring our products go that extra mile for our customers.
Our experienced team of engineers travel all around the country and we believe it’s the quality of our service that keeps our customers coming back for their cleaning solutions.
Contact our friendly team today and we can advise the best solution to make sure your vacuum goes that little bit further this winter.